Early Years

At Burbage our children get off to the very best start. Whether they transition up to join our reception class from our pre-school or join us from elsewhere they benefit from our new purpose-built Early Years classroom and outdoor area and thrive in the care of our Early Years Team.

Starting school is an exciting time; we fully embrace our responsibilities of setting the foundations for a happy and successful school-life. Children in Reception class access the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) curriculum which prepares them for their entrance into Year 1 when they embark on the national curriculum.

In EYFS the children follow a topic-based approach to learning which is delivered in a variety of ways to include play and first-hand investigative experiences. The children work towards the Early Learning Goals:

Burbage Primary School part of the Excalibur Trust. June 2023.

The Early Learning Goals (ELGs) for children at the expected level of development include the following:

  • Communication and Language.
  • Physical Development.
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development.
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding of the World.
  • Expressive Arts and Design.

We know that happy learners make successful learners. Our reception class staff offer a kind and nurturing start to school which encourages children to develop and feel confident in themselves. We pride ourselves on our positive relationships with parents; we recognise that working together can really benefit each child. Throughout the year we invite Reception Class parents to be involved in our ‘drop-in’ sessions to share all the brilliant learning. We also run workshops to help and support our parents in our approach to the teaching of phonics and early reading.

We offer an ‘open-door’ policy where parents can come and talk with teachers at a mutually convenient time.

Burbage Primary School part of the Excalibur Trust. June 2023.

Thinking of joining Burbage Primary School?

We run ‘stay and play’ sessions throughout the autumn term for parents who are considering enrolling their child at our school so they can see first-hand what we have to offer. This allows your child to come and see how lovely our school really is! This also allows prospective parents to have a tour of the school and to see our fabulous learners in action!

Contact Mrs Lockwood in the school office to arrange your visit [email protected] 01672 810452. We look forward to showing you what makes Burbage so special.